Reference Goats

Reference Goats

​Reference Does

ADGA PD2068806 | AGS D77000

Barn Name: Anna

02/03/2015 - 3/27/2024 (9 years old)

Sire: AGS MCB D'Sire's Oberon
SS: AGS Rosasharn FS Hearts D'Sire (LA2015)
DS: AGS Wind Valley Goldie

Dam: New Shadow Hills Lady Kate 3*D
DS: AGS Creamery Creek Milk Man +S
DD: AGS Desertwinds PF Lady Ann 2*D


Barn Name: Twilight

DOB: 05/22/2021

Blue Eyed

Sire: The LilBigKids ChocolatShotgun
SS: The lilBigKids Triggerbuck
DS: Koolkidz EOA Iona Maddie

Dam: Cherry Butte MW Morning Star
DS: CH Cherry Butte E Milkyway (LA2014)
DD: SG Cherry Butte Arianna’s Angel (LA2015, 2014)

🔬 DHIA Milk Testing Data

2023 - 125 DIM - 270 lbs Milk - 12 lbs Fat - 8 lbs Protein (Sold at  125 DIM)



Barn Name: Star

DOB: 02/09/2014

Sire: CH Cherry Butte E Milkyway (LA2014)
SS: Cherry Butte OWD Elliott
SD: Dreamhigh ONB Miley

Dam: SG Cherry Butte Arianna’s Angel (LA2015, 2014)
DS: Oden Sebastian
DD: Oden Arianna

 Additional Genetics to Note:

  • SG Camanna WR Ariel of the Sea
  • SGCH Rosasharn’s TL Zenith
  • GCH Sandy Hollow FG Tala
  • GCH Dream-Weaver’s PC Jezebel


LA: 2024 VVVE89 (04-02) 3F 

ADGA PD2355462

AGS D103322

Barn Name: Aurora

DOB: 02/28/2020

Sire: New Shadow Hills Honey’s Star +*S 

SS: Silveraurora JC Wishuponastar *S 

SD: Shadow Hills Bit O Honey 2*D 

Dam: New Shadow Hills Dolly 4*D 

DS: Desertwinds GW Ridingthestorm 

DD: New Shadow Hills CookieNCream 3*D

🔬 DHIA Milk Testing Data

2024 - (04-00) - Sold May 2024 - 41 DIM - 208 lbs Milk - 12 lbs Fat - 8 lbs Protein

2023 - (03-01) - 287 DIM - 509 lbs Milk - 30 lbs Fat - 23 lbs Protein



Barn Name: Fantah

DOB: 3/30/2015

Sire: Fuji Farm Sho Micah
SS: SG Sandy Hollow UK Hickory Oak
DS: GCH Sandy Hollow UK Maddie

Dam: J-Nels LY (2013 Spotlight Sale)
DS: GCH Chenango-Hills Lysander
DD: SGCH J-Nels ER Dot Com

🔬 DHIA Milk Testing Data

2023 - (8-00) - 176 DIM - 360 lbs Milk - 17 lbs Fat - 15 lbs Protein

🏆 Show Wins

1st Place, 2023 ASGBA Memorial Day Show (All Rings) - Commended for her mammary system and dairy strength

​Reference Bucks

LA: 2023 VVE 87 (01-03)

Barn Name: Hatter

DOB: 1/20/2022

Sire: Winning Streak CM Countn Ordrs *B

SS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count On Me +*B (LA2020 | VVE 88)

SD: GCH Phoenix Farm IDA Special Order +*B (LA2017 | VEEE 91)

Dam: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Pippin Alice 1*M

DS: GCH Rosasharn UMT Pippin +B (LA2010 | VVE86)

DD: Wood Bridge Farm Bliss (LA2010 | +++A 78)

Hatter Resides at BadHabits Barn

Winning Streak O Mad Hatter, a rising star who was appraised as a yearling with a notable score of VVE 87, reflects his superior attributes. His progeny, which includes BadHabits BA MH Mammoth Mt., inherit his remarkable genetic qualities, showcasing the same potential for excellence.

His sire, Winning Streak CM Countn Ordrs *B, an elite sire whose progeny inherit style, long, level, open, have incredibly flat rumps from thurl to thurl, and escutcheons to die for.

GCH Wood Bridge Farm Pippin Alice 1*M, Mad Hatter's dam, is a stunning doe. She excels in general appearance being long-bodied, flat-boned, and smoothly blended throughout. She is deep-bodied and powerful, without losing any femininity. She stands on exceptional feet and legs and has a nice capacious mammary.

Although not part of our herd, his influence is unmistakably present and highly valued in the lineage of our goats.


ADGA - PD1978269

Blue Eyed

DOB: 04/22/2018

Sire: The LilBigKids Triggerbuck *B 
SS: Koolkidz Wade N Hail Hollister 
SD: Neightnkevs Panam Colette

Dam: Koolkidz EOA Iona Maddie
DS: Honey Doe Farm Earl O Allspice
DD: Harmony MTN Millie

Additional Genetics to Note:

  • CH Winters End Gabrielle
  • CH Poppy Patch RC Poppy Seed


DOB: 07/20/2016

Sire: Quicksilver Farms TC Zephyr
SS: Sage-Acres HO Tacoma 
SD: SG Sage-Acres R West Wind

Dam: Quicksilver Farms M Goldilocks
DS: Lost Valley PG Mercy Me
DD: Quicksilver Farms BC Kestrel

Additional Genetics to Note:

  • SG Sandy Hollow UK Hickory Oak
  • GCH Sandy Hollow FG Tala
  • SG Sage-Acres SHT Westerly Magic
  • GCH Lost Valley KW Pegasus
  • SG Promisedland Magic Moment
  • GCH Lost Valley RTW Madison
  • GCH Sunnydale Farm Dax Jumanji
 YearDoes BredFemaleMaleTotal Kids
 2022111 2 
 2023  21 4 5 
 2024  12-2



Barn Name: Disco Man

DOB: 06/09/2021

Sire: The Lilbigkids ChocolatShotgun
SS: The LilBigKids Triggerbuck 
DS: Koolkidz EOA Iona Maddie

Dam: AGS New Shadow Hills Lady Leslie
DS: AGS MCB D’Sire’s Oberon
DD: New Shadow Hills Lady Kate 3*D

Additional Genetics to Note:

  • CH Winters End Gabrielle
Disco shares his lineage with impressive siblings. 

His paternal sister, Clover Dreams CS Galaxy, achieved an 87 GGVE score as a 2nd freshener at almost 3 years old and earned her milk star in protein during her first lactation year. Notably, Galaxy's milk production surged by 60% in her second freshening. 

Clover Dreams BC Caramello, Disco’s maternal sister, showcased a stunning first freshener udder in March, welcoming twins. Her initial milk test at 51 days post-freshening recorded 3.2 lbs, marking a promising start.

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